Thursday, July 13, 2006

day 18: respect

we decided to shake things up today and not eat lunch at our typical place, stella's bakery. we went to a restauraunt that served "the best hamburgers in costa rica" and i must admit they were pretty good. it was great to have a 1/2 lb hamburger and fries and think back to whataburger which i miss almost as much as taylor. after that i hung out at home and had my family help me with my homework some. i haven't been studying too much lately and i've been frustrated in class because i dont know most of the verbs the other students are using. i decided i'll work on studying more my last 2 weeks so i can learn as much as possible before i leave and head back to texas to forget everything. maybe neto will let me practice my espanol with him. we listened to "fotografia" by juanes y nelly furtado in glass today, not too bad for a song in spanish pretty catchy although i couldn't understand all the words. at night we went to our local hangout, la taberna, and played some pool. it was awesome because a lot of students were there last night. typically there are 5 or so of us but last night there were at least 20 and 2 of our professors even came. left there around midnight, tried to go to super pollo for a late snack but it was closed, oh well. probably not the best idea to eat post-midnight.

my house has 4 kids and i still haven't seen them get in trouble yet. it's pretty disappointing, i think they're the most well behaved children i've ever seen. not once have i heard the mom or grandma yell at them or tell them to stop what they're doing. i know when i was 12-14 i was getting in trouble on a daily, if not hourly, basis for doing something dumb. you can see how much the kids respect their elders and that discipline is really important in their culture. it's pretty neat really.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I mention that I miss you?!?!?!? I can't wait to see you and ofcourse I will take you to Whataburger and you can even get a Dr. Pepper!!!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Blake Parrish said...

Hey buddy. Sorry i didnt get that email back to you - but it looks like you're gettin those pics up there anyway. As i am writing this i am sitting in the Newark Airport in New Jersey (i think). I met up with Habs for 3 nights in a row and we were talking about how we missed you and your goofy ass being around. Then we went and got drinks and started talking about you again because we had forgotten that we had talked earlier about you.... All in all hurry back. Boo yea.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I've said before I'm not smart enough to keep up a blog and this is why I read yours daily. Also Mark Cuabn's blog is boring now all he does is bitch just like all Dallas ppl.

Pho Johns and some Spanish? I think so

3:19 PM  

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