day 6 camineta nocturna
class was pretty much the same as the past few days but i was especially impressed with my ability to carry a conversation with my professor with only the occassional english or spanglish would thrown in. based on the advice from a guy in my class i decided to take a night hike throughout the forest. many of the animals there are nocturnal and youre suppose to be able to see all sorts of insects, snakes and even a few mammals. the hike began at 530, right before dark, and lasted just over 2 hours. at the beginning we saw a porcupine sleeping in a tree and our guide said we should wait because she would be coming down soon to deficate (how do they know the animals bathroom schedule). well anyways we waited and the dang thing never came down for me to take a picture of it. right after that we saw costa rica´s largest rodent which is the equivalent of a 6 or 7 lb rat, nothing too cool. the rest of the walk was fairly uneventful because we didn´t get to see many cool things except for a pretty big tarantula. i met a couple from d.c there and they were fairly interesting. they both got their undegrad from cornell and mba from georgetown and wanted to discuss foreign direct investment in vietnam which i found unusual. one of the coolest things about the trip was hearing all the noices coming from the trees and air, it was sortve like a scary movie. after the hike i headed home to hang out with the family and eat. my ipod had died earlier today so i asked if i could charge it in the house because my room only has 1 plug and i have to unplug my alarm clock to charge my camera, ipod, razor etc. the 2 kids eyes lit up when they say my ipod and they immediately started asking if i had videos or any tatu songs. who knew tatu was popular in central america (insert question mark here because the computer im using doesnt have one). i let them listen to it for about an hour and they especially enjoyed the one ricky martin song i had and all the things she said by tatu, yes im embarassed i actually had that on my ipod. i let mi abuela tica listen to some rock and roll and she danced for a while. after that got old i showered and went to bed around 10pm. it was raining like crazy so that made it pretty easy.